1. Lösa förbindelser (1985 - ) - Blu-ray.com
Directors: Hans Dahlin, Håkan Ersgård, Hans Klinga Writers: Lars Björkman, Peter Emanuel Falck, Birgitta Stenberg Starring: Börje Ahlstedt, Jonna Arb, ...

2. Lösa Förbindelser (1985) - Plex
Lösa Förbindelser (1985) starring Jonna Arb, Börje Ahlstedt, Ulf Brunnberg and directed by Hans Dahlin.
Sweden's first television soap opera is about Stockholm's art and advertising world. Karl-Henrik an artist popular among the art critics. His wife Clair, is an art curator aiming for be director of the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm.

3. Lösa förbindelser (TV Series 1985-1985) — The Movie Database ...
Series Cast ; Jonna Arb. Lollo. 30 Episodes ; Börje Ahlstedt as Karl-Henrik Brandt · Börje Ahlstedt. Karl-Henrik Brandt. 30 Episodes ; Ulf Brunnberg as Tom ...
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4. Lösa förbindelser - Salomonsson Agency
Lösa förbindelser ; Actor: Photo: Niklas Palmklint Johan Rabaeus ; Director: Hans Dahlin ; Production company: SVT Drama ; Premiere: 1985 ; Genre. Drama ...
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5. Lösa förbindelser (TV Series 1985-1985) — The Movie Database ...
Jonna Arb. Lollo · Börje Ahlstedt as Karl-Henrik Brandt · Börje Ahlstedt · Ulf Brunnberg as Tom Schilden · Ulf Brunnberg · Suzanne Ernrup as Hillevi Schilden.
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See AlsoO'reilly's Eastman Georgia

6. Lösa förbindelser (1985) movie posters - MoviePosterDB
Lösa förbindelser 1985 ; Börje Ahlstedt. as Karl-Henrik Brandt ; as Lollo ; Ulf Brunnberg. as Tom Schilden.
Découvrez 1 affiche cinéma haute résolution de Lösa förbindelser (Drama) sur MoviePosterDB.com

7. Skin Deep (1989) directed by Blake Edwards • Reviews, film + cast
John Ritter plays a womanizing alcoholic writer who loses control of his life and relationships. A movie about his drunken escapades, broken relationships and ...
Hard-drinking novelist Zach Hutton spirals out of control after his wife and mistress both leave him. Alone and crippled by a bad case of writer's block, Zach slips in and out of casual relationships and one-night stands, while his drinking becomes more and more severe. With the help of a bartender and his therapist, Zach confronts his demons — women and alcohol.

8. 5 results for "" - MoviePosterDB
Your search request "" got 5 movie titles. Used filter(s): Director=Hans Klinga ... Lösa förbindelser poster. 1985. Lösa förbindelser · 1 ... Using images from ...
Your search request "" got 5 movie titles. Used filter(s): Director=Hans Klinga.
9. Lösa Förbindelser 1x01 "Episode 1" - Trakt
Lösa Förbindelser: Season 1. 1x01 Episode 1 ... This ignores additional plays for all movies and ... Fixed the movie/show logo when checking in from search results.
Season 1, Episode 1