The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

The Springfield Union, Friday, January 50, 1370 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT FINANCIAL MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE ON INDEX TO CLASSIFIED DIRECT Automotive Announcements 11 6 TO 10 17 10 Business Services 18 TO 31 CLASSIFIED mento 32 TO 37 Financial 38 TO 41 PHONES Livestock 47 TO TO 049 46 Merchandise SO TO 66A 787-2422 Real Room Estate and Board. 67 TO 73 81 Real Sale 82 10 90 EMPLOYMENT Male Salary 33 FOLDER OPERATORS 1ST 2ND SHIFTS Excellent opportunity for folder operator. Va are offering one, of the highest! WOOFS In the Hartford area avatlable for those who DOSSeSS tourneymen skilled in the bindery. Only those apply who have that will produce quality work, In return you will receive that excellent starting WOOP os well maximum benctit*. Reply Box 0194 Union Office.

FINISHED CARPENTER wanted. 563-8516 bet. 5 and 6 PM. FULL TIME help wanted Plaza Car Wash Spfld. Shopping Plaza 1389 Liberty St.

781-1233. FULL TIME. Apply: Gik Car Wash. 1050 Riverdale W. Sofid.

FULL TIME. Local firm has openings. Must be high school graduate, and drive late model cor. Earnings $8.000 to $12,000 first year. Palmer 283-7682.

FULL OR PART TIME houseman needed for large motel. Please apply in person: Schine Inn. Mass. Turnpike. Exit 6, in Chicopee.

GENERAL ELECTRIC CREDIT CORP. Jetking an aggressive in. A vidual with management potential for Its revolving credit branch located In Wethersfield, Conn, cellent training program and many company benefits. Collection ex-1 pertence preferred. For appt.

call Mr. Chobonneou. 781-3505. An Equal Opportunity Emplover. GRINDER Experienced all types of grinding.

Jab Shag work fringe benetit*. Contact Mr. W. 8. Hogg HAYDEN CORP.

31 Sylvan St. GAS STATION attendant. 6 dov weak. Good salary commission. Apply In person Robert F.

Scott, 467 Longmeadow St. Longmeadow. GUARDS WANTED Semi retired men to work part time full time the Greater Springfield Westheld areas. Call 568-5567. GAS STATION attendant 7 to Mon.

Fri. Riverdale Esso, next Vincent's. 735-9423. GRILL MAN para time, 4 to p.m. 6 days per wk.

No Sundavs or holidavs. Apply In person State! ner. 1211 State St. HAMPDEN PERSONNEL SERVICE 33 Flm Westfield. 568-3556 -NOT GUESS WORK HELP WANTED In and sapping department and genral factory work, no experience necessary.

Glendole Plastics St. Gate 3. Ludlow. 583-5011. TAM COMPUTER OP: BIG: CAREER.

PRESTIGE CO. MR CHASE 781-0235 SNELL: ING SNELLING 135 STATE WANT A man who cares for his fomily, is not content with $130 per week, who wonts his own business, can be, his own boss. RE 3-1632 or RE 3-2418. JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN With license Electrician's Helper in plant wiring and maintenance necessary. offer wages, working cun and fringe benefits.

ASSOCIATED Rowland ELECTRIC Sofid. CO. INC. 781-1111 44 Equal Opportunty Emplover JANITORIAL DUTIES driver's fie neC. 1 a.m.+3:30 p.m.

Inerviews before noon only Ring Nursing Home, 781.1141. JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT To $8500 Fee paid, recent occt graduate erperience not req. for detoils call Bruce Hart BAILEY AGENCY 145 State 731-3191 JUNIOR AUDITOR $2500 Rance Excellent grown opportunity Cail John Pout tor Appt. BAILEY AGENCY 145 State 781-319: A JOURNEYMEN Bonetit*: Blue LETTER Cross. Flue Shleid, Master Medical, Life Insurance.

holidays, vacation plan, Union Plant. Apply in person: A. H. Bartlett Eost Ludlow. JANITOR for ont.

bulldinos. Full time. Middleaged couple pi Free opt. plus solarv. Call 732-6716 from 8 30 a.m.

to 4.30 p.m. JOBS, JOBS. JOBS TRAINEES OVER 18 1720 MONTHLY SALARY NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY International concern with offices n't over the world is row accepting doolicants for Immediate c'ovment. Applicants must neat in appearance and ba able to start Immediately. For interview.

coil Altas Holly between 9 and only 1210. JANITOR fun or time. downtown. Box 9125 Union Office. EMPLOYMENT MAJOR MEDICAL LIFE INSURANCE, PENSIONS holidays.

Tuition refund pian. Not dependent on Government contracts. Apply: person to: Robert let Moynihan Personel Office W'ORTHINGTON CORP. 37 APPLETON HOLYOKE An Equal Opportunity Emplover Male Salary 33 LOOKING FOR men over 21 to work nights. Arply nt Howard Johnson's Moss.

Turnpike, Ludlow. Mass. MACHINIST (SOME EXPERIENCE NECESSARY.) -Horizonto! Turret Lathes -Engine Lathes -Milling Machines Excellent wages Incentive cornings JOB SECURITY Foliv paid hospitalization, surgical. MAINTENANCE OPENING VAMCO has opening tor main. tenance man with obility to move and Install simple equipment, assist electricions mochinists and olher trodesmen.

Follow detalled Instructions. Apply: Personnel Dept. VAMCO INC. Western Ave. W.

Sptid. RE 9.9665 MACHINIST, Bridgeport Operaters, LATHE Operators, experienced 55 hour week. benefits Meadow Tool Co. 118 Lorraine St. Chicopee.

opposite J. G. Roy Lumber Co. MAN for general cleaning and maintenance 5 day week. Apply 10 person Schine Spfid.

exit 6. Moss. Pike. MAINTENANCE MAN for work In 0 concrete pipe niont. Must novel mechanical ability, be able 10 weld both arc and acetylene have knowledge of hydraulics and electricity.

Must be experienced. $3.23 per hour to start, with plenty of time and one-half overtime. Vacation after veor. 10 Paid holidays. Paid profit hospitalization and insurance, Also.

sharing. 542-3647, 7 a.m 4:30 p.m. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC to repair forklift trucks, will train person with similar mechanical experience for night shift, UD to weeks paid vacaton, coid holidays major medical group insurance plus many benefits. Apply 10 Mr. Feinberg, Sweet Life Foods Co.

just off Rte. 159 Suffield, Monday thru Fricovi 9 A.M. 10 P.M.. Saturday 10A. M.

to 12 noon. MATURE MAN steady vear round work Benerits. Call 734-8563. MECHANIC--Working shop foreman to perform preventative main. tenance programs, and general servicing of rental ond leasing fleet.

Must hove thorough working knowledge of heavy duty trucks and some supervisory obility. Take complete charge of this first class fleet and receive first class wages and benefits with unlimited potential for the future. Coll 1-203-527-0753 all hours. MEN to repair telephones, electronic background will teach Hallmark House, 489 Central (cor Russel) MAINTENANCE MAN Corrugator manutacturer seeks maintenance man for 1st sh*tt operation. Experience desired but will train If necessary.

Good working conditions. excellent wages and fringe benefits. Contact: Mr. Renoud. 536-5340.

MOTOR CARRIER needs on perienced Outbound Operations Supervisor. Salary 10 $9600. cellent benefits growth potential. Our emp'oves know of this ad. Reply to Box 9185, Union Office.

NEEDED production mon. contact Mr. Johnson, Stanbel 1c0 Tapley Sold. NEED TWO MEN in this area for sales service work. Steady employment, excellent working coportunity.

Call 736-3640. OIL BURNER SERVICE MAN must be licensed. wages, medical plan. uniforms. fully paid pension pion.

Krupa Off Co. Sufficid, Conn. 745-2491. OPPORTUNITY 10 full leorn Donut makina. We provide training, guaraniced 43 hours week, 0004 salary and benetit*.

Apply. Bess Elon Donut Shop. 1218 State St. ACCIG. SUPRVSE STAFF.GROWTH AAA CO.FEE PD $3000 MARS TAYLOR 781-0235 ING SNELLING 135 STATE OFFSET PRESSMEN: Benefits: Cross.

Blue Shield, Moster Medical, Life Insurance, holldavs, vocotion pion, Union H. Plant. Bartlett Apply person: A. Eost Ludlow. OIL BURNER SERVICEMAN permanent position for licensed Technician, raid vacations.

pold holidays. and Wig Insurance. Blue Cross and Blue. Shield uniform furnished. Taft Oil Co.

111 Lyman St. Holyoke 539.0847, EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT CHOICE VEND WILL HIRE: REFRIGERATION MECHANIC Ability to work from drawing and schematics in the processing, charging, testing and repair. ing of Refrigeration Systems. Permanent employment outstanding fringe benefits including: fully paid group insur. ance 10 paid holidays.


OPERS. DIECUT PRESS OPERATORS MATERIAL HANDLERS 1st 2nd 3rd SHIFTS Ercellent starting wages, complete frings bene. fits program, steady employment. APPLY: PERSONNEL DEPT. MILTON BRADLEY CO.

DENSLOW SHAKER RDS. EAST LONGMEADOW, MASS. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Male Salary 33 OFFSET PRESSMAN 2nd ShiM Experienced well 25 by person to operate color 38" press. ore Tooking for chance to upgrade vourself 10 high wages and overtime a take the time to drop line. For further Information regarding this unusual opportunity.

Reply Box 9194 Union Office. PART TIME COLLECTION MAN. Prefer college student. Apply Mr. King, Lerner Shops, Eostfield Mall.

PHOTOGRAPHER Candid. rant time. over 21, no experience necessary will traln. collect, PRINTING DEPARTMENT Fuller Experienced compositor to hand and lock forms for printing prescs. Investigate these good oportunities our first shift, Apply In person: s8.

Longhill St. East Hortford, Conn, An Equal Opportunity Employer PLANT ENGINEER Position open with S. E. Conn. quarry, crushing, grinding ond screening plant.

with Nation wide operations and Established Ottawa tilinois Co. good fringe benefits. Send resume or call: OTTAWA SILICA CO. CONNECTICUT DIV. Lantern Till Rd.

North Stonington, Conn. R. Blodgett, Div. Manager Day 1-203-536-2618. Eves.

1.203-535- 2611 All Inquiries will be kept confidential PART TIME HELP WANTED apply 91 Atlantic, 1067 Riverdole Rd. West Sotld. PORTER CENTRAL SUPPLY DEPT. SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER Full time permanent position, 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m., dav week. Some weekend work (20 p.c.

bonus). Liberal benefits. Apply: Personnel Dep. 759 Chestnut St. An Equal Oppor.

Employer PART TIME JANITORIAL work Aves. 5-8 of 8.11 or 10-1. 781-5685. REGISTERED PHARMACIST Full time or port time. Apply: Chester's Drug Store, 305 Appleton Holyoke.

RETIRED, semi. ret. mon to live In Fraternat order home Sofid. V. rite P.

0. Box 218 Chicopee, 01013. RATE CLERK needed for port time nights. experience necessary, guarantee min. $80 per.

wk. Apply in person. Jones Motor 540 Sullivon South Windsor, Conn. We ore an equal opportunity employer. REXCEL DIV OF Dart Industrles, Inc, CURRENT OPENING EXISTS FOR All around Maintenance man First shift.

7.30 m. Excellent fringe benefits Apply at REXCEL 203 Office West hours, Avenue, 9.11 a.m. Ludion, 1-4 Mines. An Equal Opportunity Employer SALES OPPORTUNITY A division of major diversified corporation is interested in employIna briaht, ambitious man who de. sires a selling career in corrugated packaging.

Such man's total ambition and what effort should be to continuously increase his sales volume and personal future. The successful applicant wilt racelve sales and products training Northampton and then his o'n protected territory to develop. Perlodic merit increases depend upon progress during training and In the field. Our liberal fringe benefits Include compny paid Hie and health Insurance, holidays. vaation and full business expenses.

We ore expanding rapidly. therefore this is on Ideal time for YOU to start buliding a sound profitable and chalanging future. For personal Intervie wsend your complete resume today 10: Sales Manager TRI-CITY CONTAINER DIV. P.O. Box 71 Northampton.

Moss. 01040 SHEET METAL duct work foreman. estimating A lov out work Heating 6263. canditioning lobs, Call 781- SALES TRAINEE, to $3500 plus cor. plus expenses.

Leading consumer product company hos immed. local opening for soles oriented Individual to call on kev retail Coll. 781-3417. Management Recruiters, 117 Pork W. Sofid.

SALES TREE: RARE OPEN'G IN HI RATED CO. TRAVEL FAPH. ADVNC FAST sA500 MAR JAPES 761 SNELL. ING SNELLING 175 STATE SALES MANAGEMENT Intervie now being held to fill on corning in our stoft. Exciting opportunity tor ambitious person to grow with national concern.

Guaranteed salary plus commission. company car provided. vacations with DOV and liberal beratit*. Analy in person. The Singer Company 337 High Moss.

SR. DRAFTSMAN Must have knowledge of solid state printed circult boards. Fee Pald. PACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1668 Main Street 734-6441 EMPLOYMENT MAINTENANCE MAN GENERAL PLANT WORK -Permanent Position -Good Wages -Liberal Fringe Benefits CORENCO CORP. 2 PLAINFIELD ST.

CHICOPEE, MASS. DRAFTSMAN Persons with layout or de. tailed experience needed to fill immediate openings. Qualified persons are cn. couraged to investigate the many benefits thet come A result of becoming Wico WICO -The Prestolite Co.

42 Progress Ave. West Springficid An aunt Opportunity BA Now Hiring Qualified Tooling Personncl For: FIBERGLASS TOOLING PATTERN SHOP MOLD SHOP JIGS FIXTURES Hampden Brass Alum. Co. 262 Liberty Springfield An Equal Onpartundy Emploves Male Salary 33 RICHARD P. RITA 181-3269 Arm.

Personnel, Spies. 145 State PAPER CO. Immediate, openings for: Class Steam Enars. At our Westfield and locutions Interviews Fri. P.

M. and Sat. by South Brood Westfield. An Equal Onpor. Empl, STORE ROOM CLERK full time Opening Mondoy thru Friday 7:30 A.M.

10 P.M. some experience desirable but not necessary will train, call Mr. Rahlily 735-9040 Wesson Women's Hospital. SHIELD INDUSTRIES Top wages for 1st and 2nd shift operators. CYLINDERCAL GRINDERS TURRETT LATHE ENGINE LATHE HEAVY MILLING MACH.

Will Palmer Rood Southwick, Mass. 569.5531 Stacy Machine Co. MACHINISTS Work in a clean modern plant. We are putting on another addition and are still suffering growing pains. We need experienced men ENGINE LATHE JIG BORE TURRET LATHE BURRER 270 Main St.

Agawom 734-4992 Equal Opportunity Employer STEADY relloble married man to 1344 Dwight St. A 9.5 p.m. general work, good wages. Apply STEAM ENGINEERS 2Nd and 3rd closs Mass. license required.

Good opportunity to goln perience towards higher class license. Company will train. Liberal employe benefit program, Contact Personnel Dept. BROWN CO. Foot of Lyman Holyoke 536-6410 An Equal Opportunity Employer SERVICE STATION attendant port time days part time weekends midnight a.m, shift Westover Esso 611 Memoriul Dr.

Chicopee Falls. Apply bet. 1-3 fpm. SURVEYORS transitmen rodmen. Springfield area.

Fringe benefits. Moran Survey Inc. Call 1-354 7831 or 1-667-5716 after 5 p.m. SECURITY GUARDS, full or port tine 733-2241 bet. 9 a.m.-S p.m.

TRUCK DRIVER Class Apply at Johnson Asbestos Corp. 154 Western Ave. West Sofid. TWO MEN to work In used auto ports vard. with experience tools only.

Paid holidays and uniforms furnished. 733-2249. TOOLROOM MACHINIST Lathe Hand. Apply: Lattert Industries, 60Ravenwood Ludlow. TOOLMAKER 1ST CLASS RIVERVIEW MACHINE CO.

102 Holyoke, Cabot Mass. St. T.V. ANTENNA INSTALLE Must be able to do master tenna work. T.V.

Repoir exp. helpful. Must be able to do phvsical work. 3-4 50 hr Fee Poid PACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1688 Main Strect 734-6441 TRUCK DRIVER experienced, full time, class 11 license, all benefits. Appiv in person.

Del Padre 999 Worthington St. TURRET LATHE OPERATOR FIRST SHIFT Applicant must able to read blueprints, use measuring instruments and operate mochine only. WESTINGHOUSE ELEC. CORP. 160 TAPLEY ST.

SPRINGFIELD An Eaual Opportunity Employer TURRET LATHE operator. ex. perience. Hoppe Tool. Inc.

55 hr. top wages, fringe benefits, profit sharing. 107 First Chicopee. 592-9213. TECHNICIANS BAILEY WAGNER 768-4280 TYPEWRITER SERVICEMAN WESTERN MASS BUSINESS MACHINES Smith Corona and Olympia dealer.

we will supioly car. Apply to Mr. James Marciano Western BUSINESS MACHINE 338 Elm St. Westfield. 568-2505 QUALIFIES SERVICEMAN at least 3 veors experience).

Our expanded sales ofier an excellent opportunity to the right mcn to have 0 rewarding and secure future. 5 Day week (40 hours) $125 To $150 10 start with Incentives such OS 20 per cent commission on supplies. TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED class or 2 license necessary. General freight experience 0 must. Per.

monent position. top pov. Apply: 844 Union Vest Springfield. TEACHER special ed. elemin.

level. sub or perm. for academicoly accredited priv. boarding school In new campus. Unusual tracher training program, Coll (413) 29.

8787. TERRY IS HIRING SKILLED MACHINISTS Windsor, Conn. (203) 668 6211 VENDING COMPANY In Solid. area neads ambitious man experienced! in vending service repair. Coll 543-2235 oft.

9 a.m. WAREHOUSE MAN worehouse run truck. All benefits, plus rold Blue Cross and BLUE Shield. 700 Plainfield St. WORKING FOREMAN needed by aeneral contractor, 900d DOV.

banus, paid vacation, all veor round position, Only men with erperience need opply. Write 10: Hundreds Corporation. P. O. 237, Wellesley Hills, Moss.

02181 WANTED I surface grinder operator, 1 sand blast operator. laborers, maintenance mechanic. Excelient full company benefits. Apply In person MCCormick Longmeadow Stone Company 41 Nonle St East Lonamcadow EMPLOYMENT CAFETERIA OPERATION EXPERIENCED SALADS ASSISTANT COOK CASHIER LINE SERVICE PERSONNEL FULL OR PART. TIME WORK AVAILABLE.

GOOD PAY FRINGE BENEFITS. FOR APPOINTMENT. CALL 732-8752 An Equal Opportunity Emplover Male Salary 33 Male or Female 34 WAREHOUsem*n wanted. perience with Fork Lift Trucks essential. Exporience with printing poper helptul, Liberal benetit*.

Excellent working conditions, Apply in person: General Offset Printing 157 Chestnut Springfield. WANTED FULL and part time service station attendant and mechanic vicinity West Spfid. Salary open 525-2407. WANTED: Chippers, Grinders. Laborers, Springfield Foundry Co.

795 Pasco Indian Orchurd. WE HAVE many openings for fabric experience or mechanicol ability have great onportunity for YOU with concern. Excellent working conditions benefits. 536- 7710. WAREHOUsem*n wanted.

Salesmen 33A ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE or SALES REPRESENTATIVE One of the nation's leading merchandising companies needs af1 experlenced salesman to call on retail merchants and national companies selling consumer. incentive. trovel and merchandise proarams within 0 protected territory. Excellent opportunity for ad. vancoment Into management.

Bose salary. and commissions offer realistic potential of $10 to $12.000, plus expenses. Outstanding free emplove benefits: Blue, Cross-Blue Shield. insurance. retirement pian, merchandise paid vacations.

Prefer college training, Good credit, and mploy references. Send complete, 9188, Information and resume Union Office. ESTABLISHED dealer needs farm equipment salesmen for central Moss. orea. Solory plus conte m.asion.

Apply Box 9208. Union Office. SELL LMORE MORE PEOPLE PEOPLE The average insurance salesman doesn't see enough people. that's why he leaves the business. We need 2 aggressive full time in.

surance salesmen to contact people requesting more information on our Insurance plans. Opportunity for advancement excellent. Contact Mr. 736-7292 for 0 personal Interview. SALES Sotid.

Area Salory open, car. Insurance expenses provide: Business courses background preferred. but will train, Call Fronk Johnson 736-7235 terview appointment, ADLEY EXPRESS CO. EXTRA INCOME Ambitious man to work evenings and spare time. sales background helpful, car required, calling on engaged couples with repard to wedding nichues.

We will troin. Phone Mr. Eddy 734-6479. AUTOMOBILE Salesmen wanted. HAROLD KENT FORD CHICOPEE WANTED 2 Polish speaking to self Insurance.

Contact provided. WE have sold over 6 people already. WE need 2 more men to contact the people writing in about our low cost programs. Experience not necessary. We will troin you.

Phone 736-7291 ask for Mr. Forance, WANTED FOR sales position. Great oppoiprtunity to sell AMX, Javelins. Ambassadors. Hornets, Apply 630 Main St.

Springfield. Male or Female 34 ARE YOU NOW PREPARING For vour Real Estole lIcense? Or. do VOU already have 11? For prosperous future join the fur that's growing! Therc's no timit on your Income! Call for an app'! or come in person, MARIF KANE, REAL TO 437 White Springfield. 734-4966. EXPERIENCED PRESSER wonted 10r quality dry cleaning shop, full time guaranteed Kochian Cleaners, 401 Hillside Ave.

Holyoke 533-1734. GUITAR TEACHER experienced part time or full time good salary, call 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 543-2354. GENERAL OFFICE WORKERS (2).

1 part time, 1 full time. Experience In receivables, billing, and minor bookkeeping plus. Will train any bright person who iS willing to work. Salary mensurate with experience and ability. Call Mr.

Simpson at 735- 3641, 736-3642. HAIRDRESSER for assistont manager for lorge beauty salon. 525-6060. GENERAL MACHINE SHOP work. Apply: Patton Tool Co.

76 Merrick West Spild. CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER Adams, Mass. PART TIME HELP wanted Grillmen hrs. arranged 732.1073 Sco Host Restaurant, Westaote Plaza. RATE CLERK port time nights.

Must be tamillor with NEMBR8 MAC Tariff, Coll 592.4732. FORBES WALL ACE faking 00 plica for future lob openings An equal opportunily employer. For Alcoholism Clinic In expanding 200 bed funy voluntary hospital with forward MSW looking, innovative progrom. destrable but not essential. Some odministrative and case work experience necessary for broad proaram of education treatment and research.

Active coscloads drowing from oreo one hundred thousand population. Liberal personnel policies ond fringe benefits. Solary range commensurate with experience. Please contact Deming Hovt. ACSW Director, Social Service or Hunter, Personnel Manoper.

Franklin County Public Hosnital, Greentield, Moss. 01301. CHEMIST For Greater Hartford Area Experienced chemist with college degree. Familiar with analysis of household chemicals and cosmetic produce. Knowledge Chromatography 1.

R. Spec. trophotometry, and aerosol products desirable. Ideal working conditions, solary and company pold benefits. Send resume listing education.

experience and salary requirement in confidence to Box 9206 Union EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for RN's with to 5 vcors expertonce for a Special core unit openina. Some ernerience In IC. U. preferred, but will train. apply: W.

B. PLUNKETT Memorial Hosnital 2 Edmund St. BMI COMPANY OFFERS CAREER OPPORTUNITY IN SALES Business Products Sales. wholly owned Subsidiary 01 The Minnescta Mininn and Marufacturing has a soles position open In the Hartford oreo. College Education and Aurio Visual perience preferred but not essential Position offers guaranteed salory.

commission. ond trovel allowance. extensive 3M benefits, well 03 future In sales and soles management, Sand resume to: J.P Tenera 3M Business Products Soles. Inc. P.O.

Box 2017. Ha lord. Conn. 06101 3M 13 on Eaual Opprotunity! Emplover INHALATION THERAPIST Graduate or experienced therapist to as. sume duties in an expanding inhalation there.

py dept. Registration is not required, but applicants should have desire to achieve this gcal. Competitive salary and excellent benefit progrem, Interested applicants should contact the: Personnel Dept. WESSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 161 High Mass. from main hospital PART TIME SAFE DRIVING RECORD MONDAY AND OR TUESDAY AM 4 PM COLLECTOR FOR STORES Collector for stores Personnel SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS 767-2400 NEED A CHANCE? Be a key figure In this MLS Realtors office.

Let's to'k, NORMAN DARACK REAL ESTATE 15) 3861 Eve. 566 8951 PART OR FULL TIME average cornings of $10 an hour call now for Information. 532-8165. COOK days good hours. Sondwich maker, dovs.

good hours. Beck. manns Restauront, 52 Suffolk Holyoke. Moss. SEARS ROEBUCK CO.

1585 Boston Rd. Salesmen for Shoe Dept. prefer man who would like 10 become a Dept. Manager at some future date, also desired. Job requires person who enjoys ocilvity ond Is good with figures.

Many excellent benefits Working for Scars open cvelnes thru Friday. Office at earliest a convenience. Olilce Inquire In person of the Personnel An Equal Opportunity Employer SHIPPING CLERKS. No exprience necessary. 12 Midnight to 8 o.

m. Plus overtime. Magaziners Bakery, 1132 Dwight St. Situations Wanted Female 36 WILL care for children In my home while mother works. 7346044.

WILL BABYSIT MY HOME IRONING DONE IN MY HOME. 785-1022 NURSES Aide, care of elderly Haht housework. 781-1208. CHILD CARE In my home, Vic. W.S.

center. Situations Wanted Male 37 LOOKING for product to sell and distribute In Conn, or Moss. Call 203-653-2777 or write Norman Adams East Granby, Conn. FINANCIAL Bus. Opportunities 38 NEIGHBORHOOD cote excel.

loc. or Bidp. help fin. A 781-0251. w-property.

will trade tor land POPULAR PROFITABLE RESTAURANT A popular ond profitable restaurant with off st. parking and supplementary income from rentals and whoily owned automatic loundry. Substantial real estate parcel Is package. included In this desirable 6. R.

COLLINS, REALTOR 734.4954 Evc. 788-8500 or 569-3418 EARNING power this est. dry cleaners excellent owner wi'l train equip.approx. it 1 buver vr. old.

desires Realtor all 734.3161 Richard S. Thomas 713-1457 GASTOWN Service Stations To Let GASTOWN has operating stations avallable to let Immediately 10 aggressive dealers. Guaranteed high volume. 10w overhead. No franchise Fee.

loin New England's I most aganessive To Investigate this onportunity to Retail Service Station Choin. Call 525-6331 FOR APPOINTMENT Experience Not Necessory GASTOWN, INC. SPA bury Lihty His store by same man for many vears. I Now retiring $53.000 gross inc. MARIE KANE.

REALTOR 734-4646 A GOING RESTAURANT must sell. $2000. RE SUCCESS IN THE TU's Con be in your own husband wife franchise store. to franchise tee reguired. program provided.

Palmer Ware area avoliable. For details send nome. address phone number 10 Mr. Ebrrie. Ward zor Y.

12201. 150 North Broad Albany, EXCEL. DUS. immed income greennouse 40 vrs. estab.

fully stocked plus apt ac es 575-6343 525-6782 592-4962 SPAN FEALTY REALTORS MLS FIRST TIME OFFERED MOney moker drive in homburg place on Route 20. Real estole and equipment included. Golden Schreiber Co Reoltors 736 2778 CHINCHILLAS 50 stondard and equipment. Reasonable A 1 OPPORTUNITY SUNOCO SERVICE STATION FOR RENT GIN ME DRIVE CHICOPEE FALLS. MASS.

location in front of new Fairfield Mull call from Mass. I Pile. Station now in Opcration. For information call days Springtield ves. East Longmeodow Art.

525-7931 Murphy ZONE BUS. B. in W. Automotive used cor business, 739-2152 900.1 size lot. Fx.

Income. Reoltor Richard Thomas 549.7457 EARN $15,000 TO $20,000 AS SHELL DEALER Ambitious men wonted now tor service stations In Springfield, Mass. ond Conn. Excellent training, financing avallable and mony more benetts. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY.

CALL COLLECT. Wackdurs 239.1521 Nights and weekends. Mr. Moore 413 783-3415 SHELL OIL, co. 177 Connecticut Bivd Lout Hartford.

Conn. AMERICAN Service Station for PIe Opposite Westlield Shopping Center, Westfield Republic Oil Corp. 736 8396 IRE count rcody to 90. Bool CASH otter. 558 3732.0 MARKET.

Prominent Sutld. store. Over $500.000 VARIETY store Palmer ares. Good location. J.

FIT REALTOR 734-5989 783.5059 HOTEL IN rooms, full flavor bars. Dining room, Banquet hall seats 250. Full Full kitchen edulpment, conditioned. $32-3586. orro.

Idcol for husband WIle ESTABLISHED delicatessen Entirid 149 4218. CAFE A Sal 1. test 41-3 In the rent nf thr 0.1 1, 1 tAIn Not Only $84,000 THE 362 9576 582 4333 361 ROADSIDE cond. RIOTS RIOTS A Bus. Opportunities 38 GMC CATERING WALK IN von, 1964 Motor, tully equipped.

Model 1957. 734-1952 very good condition, $575. PROFESSIONAL MAN seeking other or Bus. minded persons 10 expand Nat'ly beauty salon franchise In West. Business.

not beauty exper, nec. nun. cash Invest. $5.000. Wrife 9163 Union Office.

NATIONAL PIZZA ROUTE Greater Cpild. 20 locations, 10 hrs. per week. Nets $300 per month. per week.

profit. nets $300 per month. clear Sacr, $3900 due other Interests. Owner (203) 653-7150. LOCAL WELL.

caulpped machine equipped mochine shop hos open tim Desires products manufacture or opportunity to bid on, custom work. Write Box 9207 Union Office. ARE YOU TIRED? of dirty dingy restaurants here 15 good one. Realtor 734 3161 Richard S. Thomas 733-1467 TAKE OVER THIS store small cash details involved on profits, af Realtor good more 739-2158 Richard S.

Thomas 568-7457 Barber Shop Spfld. Call after 6 p.m. 736-1380 A 150 RM HOTEL -co*cktull Lounge -Meeting Rms, Near Ski area. 739-7785 bet. 3.6 D.

BEAUTY SALON In Westfleld. Mod equip for 6 operators. 536-6694. COUNTRY STORE SKI ARLA Beer wine. Gross apt.

1 ocre, poor heolth R. L. COLLESTER 737-2062 Business Opportunities Wanted 38A BUYER OF STORES Machine shops. Hy Gloth toneer. 557-3004, Realty Broker FINANCIAL Personal Financing 39 NEED CASH? Remember SIS Likes to sav "YES." Phone for a loan.

IT'S PLEASANT borrowing money from people who like peopic. Valley Bank and Trust Company. INSTRUCTION Instruction 43 DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Now coproved tor VA troining. men, needed with Closs tor trucking industry. Train full or part time.

placement assistance guaranteed. Troin on oll types of tractor trollers. For Information now, call 781-2501. Musical Dancing Dramatic 44 LEARN accordion, gultor drums Bel-Aire 1, 0.. Palmer 539.9908 for Into.

DRUMS experienced teacher, my nome 751.2152. Wanted Instructions 46 ARABIC LESSONS wanted. Student or put. indiv. who con help.

783- 1737 oft. p.m. LIVESTOCK Dogs. Cats, Pets 47 PUPPY CENTER All breeds of Boston Pd. Sprinafield.

Moss. (413) 783 2343, ret A al Grooming. Ail Breeds. WEIMARANER 8 mo. all dog, pd.

w-children. $90. 739.5084. cray housebken. soaved.

wotrh hi REG. MIN. Poodle bloodlines. Choc. color.

596 4539 For Immed. sale. FOR SALE Beautiful tor poo tias -7 mo, old. A.K.C. Real 1 Pups AKC Gia-un Kennels W.

Brookfield 161: 867. 2067. AKC SHELTIE mole purs, chom. muon sired. BASSETS exclusively since 1952 puppies avail Foresibay Kennels V.

est fleld 568-5769. POODLE PUPS mini. temole, silver. mos. old.

Hod temp. shots. paper trained, 739-2651. AKC lovable Dachshund Puppies. 763-7439.

STUD for Siamese Cot. 785-5994 evenings. CHOW CHOW friendly personaltties. excellent blood lines. reasonable prices, terms.

1-203-455- 9900. SEALPOINT, oft. Siamese kitten. 3 mos. 3 AKC BEAUT.

POODLE PUPS RE 4-8576 DOG CRATES wood w-grooming top for sm breed. 783-8271. AKC MIN. SCHNAUZER puppies, Champ. bloodlines.

Excellent pets. Westfield 562-2582. AKC SMALL MIN. ocodic DUDS, F. clipped.

A GREAT volentine aft over 16 Champions behind US. block sHiver mint Poodles. $100. FOR rabbit hunters only AKC Beagles w-oll shots. Amherst.

253. GERM. SheD. Pups. 4, $12.15.

Tel. 559-6759: 569-6776. PUPS sm: lgr. types $16-17. Col.

I Sheps. $12. 15. 552-6760; 569 6776 MINI Poodle pups. Reas.

ST PUPPY LITTERS WANTED, will buy. 569-6769: or ST 36481. FRIENDLY puppies. 735. 8401.

AKC MALE white poodle. 3 mos. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES Call LY 3-9171 COLLIES AKC our. hrolthy. handsome Duos.

Sugor Maple Kennels. 1 238-5581. AKC POODLE Stud service Toy Mini DUDS 534 5537 AKC TOY POMS Pokes 593.4319 Shep. DUDS, very protective. 583-2255.

DACHSHUND AKC quality mint cools. 737-5835. LOTTIE'S POODLE 345 Orange St. Prat, grooming AM breads. 2593.

526 401:. AKC St Bernard Puns, sired br our BIG Canadian Im. port. Terms avall. Hidden Hollow Form Agowam 1:9.7441 ROBERT'S POODLE CHIPPING ACCESSORIES 733 6135 AKC REG.

POODLES blood line olso stud service 703 749.6.014. GERM. SHEP. AKC 1200. SIBERIAN HUSKIES ATE TOO HA eves.

shots, both brown binck 523-2460. AKC wire haired FoR Terrier Fur: POODLE MAIN. WINTER MATE. $50 001 PUREBRED. '62-0287 Beggles.

BUY YOUR VALENTINE From Mrs. Valentine 565-3945. ROSEVALE PINSCHERS MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS AKC Basset Hound, spaved femole, mos. old. nil shots.

Forced to sell. 5919183 Forced to sell. 592-9183 MERCHAND'SE Auctions 50 INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL AUCTION SEPVICE AUCTIONS- Real Estate Service AARON POSHIK A CO Salm. Worthinaton. Moss tel.

Articles for Sale 51 REFRIGERATION FOR AI.E 1 storage bor with com bI 150. 1.3 ft. reach-in, 2 91059 Moots, perfect cond. 1500. Flowers, Inc.

3343. MOVING, must sell, sota bed, dug. rm. set, like new. TO LATHE all gear drive with motor 730 RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY JANUARY 31st 9 TO 05 110 COURT ST.

CHICOPEE FALLS Articles for Sale 51 PINK TOILET TISSUE TWO PLY FACIAL QUALITY CASE OF 100 ROLLS $0,25 BUY 10 CASES GET I FREE RAIL ROAD SALVAGE 7215 MAIN SPFLD. 210 EXCHANGE CHICOPEE HAVE BAD CREDIT Want to buy new TV, stereo, washer, dryer etc, and reestablishi your credit? Call Tom TAG SALE, Fri. thru. Jan 30. to eb, 2.

10 0.m. to P.m. Milk cans. cart antiques, baby furn, Polarold lund camera, water skI. Much More! 49 Allen East Long.

RENT A SEWING MACHINE New 1970 model, auto. zio 709. buttonhole, etc. Only $10 monthly. Must have good credit.

UNIVERSAL DISTRIBUTORS 733- 4394 WALL SOLID SLATE" Pool Table, New. installed, 7' size, $379. (Used 6', new cloth. Slate. $225.

732-4893; POOL TABLE reg. slate top. Asking 4250. Can be seen at 282 White St. Sofid.

AT Pc. mod. dining rm. set PART tynewriter, many other articles. Reas.

10 10 5. Usher, 85 Harkness Solid. TIRES. 670 15, (1) mounted. also snow tire.

Zenith TV con. sole, and console sterco. RE 4718. ELECTRIC GOLF CART with charger. $200.

783-2536. TAG SALE misc. Jan. 31, Feb. 1st.

10-5. 452 Dickinson St. 2nd fir. left. A HEATING SALE new used oil turnaces, insulation for attics below cost all sizes oll bollers, oil gas burner.

Used cool turnoces furnace blowers Incinerators. Used oil burner stock relays, all thermostats. Used boller acquasiuts pressuretrols. Low water cutoffs pumps. round square duct work registers.

Woter stcom pipe cut threaded to size. Humidfiers chimney stock heat recloimers Use oil water hooters. Kalamaroo Furnace Boller 513 Ploinfleld ST. RE 6669. 2-LIV RM.

chairs rug best ofter. 781-5432. SNOWBLOWERS Simplicity while they tast. Brodeur Fence 783-6141. ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner (never used) $39 complete 733.

4394. ONE ANTIQUE FLEMISH MEDITERRANEAN bedroom set Por information call: 593-6088. NE WA USED snowblowers 569-5096 A BOWLING Shuffle Alley. 6 plover, coin oper, kind $150. 732-4393.

TWO CB RADIOS Lotavette RB 600 trans. MB 444. 533-1032. (2) STUDDED 14" Armstrong 1 piv tiber glass snow tires. Only month old.

going South. Best offer. 734-0219. ANTIQUE PORTRAITS end table. lamps.

cut glass, crystal, China, vocuum cleaners. elec. broom chest, china closet server, Elec. mixer. 63-8271.

EASTER ARRIVES AT RAILROAD SALVAGE 2215 North Main Sand 210 Exchange Little Girls Reg. $20 Spring Coats $7 LADIES BELTS 3 for $1. ALL. WOOL MATERIAL wide $1.50 vd UPHOLSTERY MATERIAL 53" wide $1.50 yd LESTOIL Sparkle or Kilt Clean 5 for LADIES BLOUSES LADIES LADIES Quality DRESSES maaros ST. skirts CHEESE CLOTH 100 vds.

NURSE Waitress Uniforms PAINT ROLLER REFILLS 1 for 15.000 Asst. Paint Brushes LARGE Trosh barrel w-cover SI.SO BRONZE BUSHINGS Box of So Bio Craft Dissecting KIt $1.50 MENS SHIRTS to $9 vol. $1. BOYS SKI Jackets FLOOR DECK PAINT 17. RUBRER GLOVES prs.

Si. DUPONT PINK TANGERINE PAINT $1, pol. Case low col Tropicona soda $1. Open ton. Tues, Wed.

Sat. Thursday Friday LAW GARDEN TRACTORS Oid Soie ON Demonstrators Tractors w-sno wihrowers includes wheels. weights chains 14HD Rep. 1904 Now $1695 HP Hydraulic lift Rea. $1339 Now THP (inct, mower! Rea.

$1034 10 HP Hydraulic Wit Now w.rob snow plow Reo. $1457 Now $1295 WYBEN ORCHARDS Equipment Division 542 Montaomery Rd. Westfield POOL TABLE, asking $250. 543-4535 oft. 5 p.m.

ALUM. COMB. Storm windows. instolled. v.

hite A'um. Col. doors, with fibergioss black acces. $59 Installed. 737 8957.

SNOW blowers $60 VO, Akard Ludlow. 583-8101. R.T.T.Y. equip. rotor.

Call 734. 0339 att. 6 p.m. MUST SELL Sinner machine (with 191091. $51 complete or small monthly payments.

788.9101. cycle Clinton motor blade. $35. LY FINANCIAL Money Available $1500 up Consolidate all bills, low terest rates, borrow on real estate. Home Mortgage Service 525.4155 52 Prospect East Long.

Articles for Sale 51 TAPE RECORDER Wollensok reel $125. 2 yrs. old, excel. cond. 736-1532.

CLEARANCE SALE Beds sip. stove $25, liv, rm. sis, sofa bed $35. set desk $15, lamps $1, rugs $15, buffet $10. din.

rm. 4100. wing choir $10, many morn bargains. 2nd hand shon 10 Parker St. 1.0.

543-5216. WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA ON SALE CALL FOR INFORMATION 732-0777 590-0561 DIAL TELF PHONES HALLMARK HOUSE 487 CENTRAL. (Corner Ritle. closed Sal.I 18 oll wool hooked rug. Heritage poalern w-od.

Good cond. 782-2136 at. 4 SPRINGFIELD LUMBER CO. 1401 Page Blvd. 543-5400 NEW CEILINGS: all moterial for ceiling Including tile, firring, nalis.

staples moldings. $24.21 SUSPENDED CEILINGS: all material tor 10 12 including strong white metal arids. 2 4 white lay in panels, hooks, wire $27.10 CASH AND CARRY SAVINGS! Kiln dried studs 2x3 58c. 2x 4. 7' 68c 2x3, 53c 2x4, 68c 8' 7c7 CASH CARRY BARGAINS ON PANELLING ANTIQUE fireside chairs.

Italion marble top, coffce table, leather top drum table, Berkaline chair, (new), woman's black Persian and gray Persion fur coats. 783-8271. DRY GASI! 19 PER AT ALL GASTOWNS! SKI SALE 10 TO 20 P.C. off on sriing cauloment, Brown Archery. 8 Montgomery, Chic.

Falls. WALLPAPER SALE 150 malor '70 books 50 disc. 68 000 rolls ouis, cents Up. LaPolice Wallpaper Haven. 314 Belmont, CLOSEOUT SALE console stereos.

with radio walnut finish. from $215 to $346 Five left. St. Jcon Electric Co. 732-2171.

A 3 PC. Liv Rm Mahogany Table Privote 783-8132. UNDER BUYS AT RAILWAY SALVAGE 1019 MAIN ST. RE 6-4189 LGE. selection OVENWARE Up Loe.

selection of GLASSES 10c Up Lee, ashtrays 30c Un Ladies, Children's Men's Boots Some Fur lined Starting at $1 USED PANZER 6 HP, Riding Tractor, w-35" sno-thrower. rolary mower: fert. spreader; snow blade winter cab. VIBRA PAC Roller excel. cond reas.

BUY NOW FOR SPRING! LOCKE TRI PLEX MOWERS (us di Good Buys! MAGOVERN CO. 57 Allen St. Spfid. 733-6638 PENNSYLVANIA lawn mower garden tractor w. snow plow.

5550. 532-1201 after 5 p. m. BATHROOM ica cultured marble All sizes styles. 594 6923 POOL TABLES new used.

pinball mochines. 533-2087. WINDOW your rollers. A 1st quai. Uo to Pioneer Shade 441 Armory St.

SAND for icy wolks. we deliver, Call 594 6728. POOL TABLE 7 IT. 8 H. Tennis poker tobles of discount.

A used. moved. Instolled. recovered. I cooired.

SWIAMING pool covers, heaters. Special savings. Clospout prices on ground pools. 762.9464 BARTEL FOOL CO. 1360 Allen Solid.

Sporting Equipment And Supplies 514 GUNS BOUGHT. SOLD. TRADED Agowam Associates Inc. 167 Elm Ago. 733 0425 732-1629 HOCKEY SKATES HELMETS Ponts Shin Guards Sticks Center 48 Cabot St.

Business Equipment 52 10 12 OFFSET camero, 21 35 Robinson vacuum ti strin film printer 25 Fonts. RE 4 $850 TWO BRAND NEW display never used. Paid $400 of $100 coch. House of Television. 1900 Wilbrohom Rd.

782-2381. FINANCIAL HOME PAY OFF ALL YOUR BACK. BREAKING BILLS $1500 to $30,000 And Wind Up With Cash Te Spare VO your debh frail tort. tree from mOnEY asy Payments. Us a Poy! No Red Call: 733-8840 Coll Collect ACE Mortgage Co.

684 SUMNER AVE. SPFLD. LOAN BY PHONE: Banish bill worries. Cash immediately on 1st or 2nd mort- $1,600 to $25,000 goge to consolidate bills low Monthly Foyments bring 1st mortgage up to Up to 10 Y-ors to Repay date. Pratect Credit Standing.

Pay Off Anytime Without NU-WAY Penalty Check Us Out With Your INSTALLMENT CO. Bank or Any Public Bureau 463 MAIN PALMER 283-3781 SPFLD. 737-5353 I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS NEW YEAR NEW CAREER NEW FUTURE a. Make 1970 the start af a secure and profitable new career b. Operate your own established business C.

Be a SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPER tion Franchise Manager We will train Must have car. APPLY SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS Personnel Department Call now for appointment 787-2400.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.