The Hebron Journal-Register from Hebron, Nebraska (2024)

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The Hebron Journal-Registeri

Hebron, Nebraska

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7th Grade News Mn Bill Brokaw Phone 768-6246 Tnayer County Courthouse News fi- Sept 19: Francis McCall Excessive width Complaint by Harms Sept 19: Ralph Ferris Overweight Complaint by Harms District Court: George Elva May Harder -to- Eugene Marilyn Werner Lot 15 St South 25 feet of Lot 16 Block 2 Addition to Hebron Oma Mullikin -to- John Stella Brumbaugh Lots 9 10 11 and 12 Block 5 Original Town of Chester County -of Thayer -to- Burdon Sc Donna Gaston Part of Block Sept 16: State of Nebraska -vs- Homer Arnold: Driving while under suspension of licen-Appeal from conviction in Thayer County Court Complaint by Co Att Leonard Germer Sept 19: Lela Meyer -vs-Elmer Meyer Divorce granted and plaintiff' given custody of two minor children Real Estate Transfers: Edith I Larson -to- 'Viola Robert Wilson Lot 13 Block 1 to Chester Alma Liebsack -to- Myron James Gehle Lots 1 2 3 Block 2 First' Addition to Chester James Schorling Stauber et al -to- Paula Stauber E55 feet of Lot 3 Block 1 Addition to Hebron John St Virginia Culp -to-James Henry Culp Part of Lot 24 First Addition to Belvidere Norman Walker et al -to- Richard Dorothy Tritt Undivided 23 interest in Block 20 Original Town of Carleton Norman Walker Conservator to-Richard Dorothy Tritt Undivided 13 interest in Block 20' Original Town of Carleton Alberj Martha Heitmann -to- i Louis Meta Heitmann -Nortlt 10 feet of Lot 2 Block 2 Eggers Addition to Village of Byron 1 Nacke- were their children and their families Sr Jeanne Marymount College! Mrs Francis Rozmajzl of Malvern Iowa Mrs Tim Mahoney Arvada Colorado and Mrs Harvey Hess Jr of Troy Mich The occasion of the visit was to be with their brother Xavier Albert Nacke who was ordained a priest ih the Roman Catholic Church Attending ordination services ip Conception Mo Sept 21 were Mr and Mrs Albert Nacke and their family Mr and Mrs Herman Nacke Mr and Mrs Carl Helfrich of Portland Ore and Miss Elizabeth Nacke of Schuyler: Rummage Sale will be held at the Library Basem*nt October 4 and 5th from 9 to 5 Dr and Mrs Eugene Rizek and family were dinner guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Earl Lund in Belleville Kans Mrs Walter Hendershot is con-: fined to the Immanuel Hospital Omaha following surgery She is: remaining in the hospital for further treatment Leaving Saturday on a ten day trip to New York will be Mrs' Robert Degenhardt and Mrs Mae Newman Combiotic 100 cc only $249 Rexall Drug Store Hebron 2ts-s25 Entertaining Sunday were Mr and Mrs Virgil Holtgrewe and daughters Their guests were his parents Mr and Mrs Herman Holtgrewe of Nebraska City hiaj sister Mr and Mrs Donald Hopp and family of Talmage and her mother Mrs Lila Scrmiser of Lincoln also from Lincoln were Mrs Esther Gustafson Mrs Fran-! cis McCall and Mrs Vivian WardJ Completing the guest list were Mr and Mrs Milford Ficken-scher and family and Mr and Mrs Adolph Fangmejer Mr and Mrs Walter White and! Ray Weber attended! the funeral Monday of an uncle iMatt Brock-er in Oketo Kansas Mrs Bill Svoboda spent the weekend at home with the children returning to Lincoln Monday to be with Mr Svoboda Attending the anniversary cele- Enjoying a weekend outing in Denver and -surrounding areas were Pauline Yost Erma Gross Garnet Koch Mildred Palmer and Lucille Parsons The group left early Friday evening Mr and Mrs Bill Willems Mr and Mrs Remmer Janssen and Mrs' Anna Willems were visiting last weekend with the Willems family in Blue HilL Hoiiseguest of the Jack Me Laughlin children is Mark McKenzie of Lexington ion of Mr and Mrs Paul McKenzie He is visiting! here while his brother Mike is confined to the Mary Lanning Hospital in Hastings Capt and Mrs Larry Hughes of Roswell New Mexico are the proud parents of a baby boy born September 17 Mrs Hughes is the former Fern Spradley daughter of Mr and Mrs Claude Spradley The new baby has twin sisters at home Mr and Mrs Norman Huber of McCook were Monday overnight guests of his parents Mr and Mrs Pat Huber Tuesday morning they attended the funeral of Mrs unde Ever ett Losey in Fairbury In the afternoon they drove to Omaha where Best Soldiers Award was 'presented to Mr Huber Among Hebronites driving to Lincoln to attend the football game Saturday were Mr and Mrs Jim Kenner Mr and Mrs Leonard Germer and family and Greg Pumphrey In Omaha on Monday were Dr and Mrs Bunting See our ad in World-Herald (every week) Drug Store 9t-031 Overnight guests in the Leo McKay home last week were grandparents Mr and Mrs Sam' Baker of Res Missouri The Bakers were returning to their home from a vacation trip Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Marlowe Huber honoring Cheryl on her tenth birthday were her grandparents Messrs and Mmes Louis Miller and Pat Huber i Visiting Mr and Mrs Leo Me Kay Sunday afternoon were Mr and Mrs Elmer Braun of Unrein Rev and Mrs: Don Stewart entertained at an after the game pizza gathering Friday night Spending the weekend in the home of Mr and Mrs Albert Sitending the weekend in Oma-ia and attending the Ak-Sar-Ben Show Saturday night and Sun-(day were rMr and I Mn Alvin Ramsbottom Tom and Kathy Sutton I hfeur and Mmes! Ed 'Ella and Gene Ella were also in Oma-ha Sunday attending' the Ak-Sar- show Spending Saturday in Lincoln viating Mr and Mra James and family were! Mr and Mrs Richard Dutcher and family andMrs Frieda Dankenbring 'Mrs Dankenbring stayed for a longer visit in the Smith home Mr -and Mn Wm Mumm of Yujnna Colorado were I weekend gtiests of Mr and Mrs Guy Scott driving to Omaha Sunday were and Mn Ernestj Uphoff were guests of Mr and Robert Uphoff and family The occasion was to help Mn Robert Uphoff celebrate her birth dai Mr and Mrs Bill Ortman and family entertained his parents Mri and-Mrs Ralph Ortman and her mother Mn Izetta Willmore atldinner Sunday honoring Mn Ralph Ortman cn her 'birthday Sunday evening Mrs Ortman was again honored at a party in her hojne To help her celebnte wejre Messrs and Mmes Lou llokise Ben Bishop Pat Huber and Charles Bourne of Hardy Stopping for a short 1 while at thf home of Mn Yost Wednesday were Mr and Mn ACT AT ONCEI Come in or call 768-6211 and M-T-C Carpet Department will come to you former residents of He-Gembalas have been bron The living in Holdrege but arej leav ing sodn on a two year assignment tp Algeria Africa MrGem- bala is! employed by! the Govern ment 1 I Honored guest at dinner of the members of St Dunstan Sunday was the Rt Rev Russell TJ Rau-scher the Episcopal Bishop of Nebraska I Mr and Bln John Stribling and Jackie Badey of Omaha! were weekend guests ip the James Russel home Returning last weekend from a vacation trip were Mr and Mn Guy Sott They visited a niece aiid her husband in Arizona and stopped at Gnnd Junction to visit Mr: Scott's brother and family Their -return trip also took them through the Grand Canyon and the petrified forest I Mnj Ella Fintel' visited her sister in Beatrice Thursday and spent Thursday night with her nepheiy and his wife at Jansen Spending the weekend in Cowl Nebr were Dr and Mn Richard Noller and family visiting Mn parents Mr and Mn Joe Bartcherj Mr and Mn -Jerry Wilkens and family of Lincoln were weekend guests of her mother Mn Yost I Helping in the Bill Svpboda home last week while Mrs Svo-boda was in Lincoln with' her hus- who is confined to the Memorial Hospital: was Mr sister Mrs Owen Fritz tof Garden City Kansas Another M-T-C FIRST! J- Never Before i i Famous IuPont 100 Continuous Filament Nylon CARPETING On M-T-C's Easy Terms All First Quality Color Choices and 15 Ft Width Rolls I 12388 15x15 15700 5x21 21580 Gembal Marriage Licenses: Sept 17: Donald Gene Luehring 22 Hebron Diana Jean Osher 20 Hebron I Sept 18: Richard Freiberg 24 Ft Leonard Wood Mo Marla Jo Fintel 21 Byron COUNTY COURT: Sept 17: Kenneth A Malone Overweight $50 fine and $4 costs waived) paid by Hunt Transportation Complaint by Scale Officer Russell Mittan Sept 19: James Cooney Overweight $50 fine and 4 costs Complaint I by Scale Officer Geo Harms Sept 19:1 Edgar Kirchhoff Overload $50 fine and $4 costs Complaint by Harms Sept 19: Dale Alloway Excessive width $10 fine and $550 costs Complaint by Harms Sept 19a Herman Zuehlsdorf dba Oil Co -vs-Wayne Budler For judgement of $47360 plus interest 'costs and fee Sept 19: Donald Douglas Overload $10 fine and $4 costs Complaint by Scale Officer Ray Lubben Sept Walter Rademacher Driving under license suspension Thirty dayf in the County Jail and license! suspended for one year from date of completion of sentence Complaint by State Patrolman Manning Complaints: Sept 17: Jerry McDaniels Reck less driving Complaint by Fred Koerwitz Village Marshall Deshler your car is keep dirty deposits from settling out in vital engine parts with Skelly Motor Oil Supreme Iff your car is so you'l if any changes Supreme use less oil bet with Skelly Motor Oil ELLS OIL CO Hebron Nebraska BICE OIL CO Carleton Nebr The Seventh Grade Constitution for 1963-6 4was ratified by the class at its special meeting held on Constitution Day Tuesday Sept 17 There were no di anting votes Other Constitution Pay festivities included installation of First Semester Officers and recitation of the Preamble to that constitution Meetings for the year will be held once a month with all Executive Board meetings preceding every club meeting This is the fifth year for the Club in Hebron Junior High School Kay Kirchenman from Omaha the newest student to the Seventh Grade She arrived Friday The class has completed a pre-civilization study' in Social Studies Currently class members are studying very- early civilizations Egypt and Fertile Crescent Jane Stierlen class artist has appointed Debbie Hendrickson and Kathy Ortman to assist her in the Art Department for this semester Bandy Borecky and Dale Haase have been appothted by Mr Kvapil as Class' Photographers In addition to their picture taking duties they are also in charge of the Club Picture Yearbook Club Hebron Chapter No 31 OES held their stated meeting Sept 18 After the regular business meeting an addenda was given for the visiting chapters: Chester Davenport Geneva and Superior Sixty persons enjoyed the coffee hour Hostess to Pollyannas Friday afternoon was Mrs- Parker' Honors were won by Mrs Kate Carter and Mrs Grace Strain Bible Club met at the home of Mrs Claude Rowley Friday afternoon Mrs: Butcher gave the devotions and Mrs Don Stewart had the lesson The Neighborhood Club met at the home of Mrs Jack McLaughlin Tuesday Sept 17 Mrs Hil-mar Krueger gave the lesson on Danish LAVA Club met Thursday Sept 19 at Mrs Herb The regular business meeting was held with the election of officers The officers elected were Delores Wiedel President Marg Sutton Vice President Kaye Fluke Secretary-Treasurer and Emma Jean McKay Newsreporter The programs for the coming year were read discussed 'and ap-proved Velorea Raatz presented an interesting topic In Delores Sackschewsky will be hostess- at the October meeting The lesson Look at will be given by Maud ie Majeski and Kaye Finke Jolly Hebronettea met Wednesday night Sept 18 at the home of Maxine Schepker Election of officers was held with president Maxine Sch er Vice President Marge Beck Secretary- Treas Eva Beckm a Publicity and Cards Ruby Braun The next meeting will be with Eva Beckman and there will be a demonstration Zion Lutheran Church of Hub-bell will hold Mission Festival Sunday Sept 29 at 2:30 Rev Victor- Anderson of Phillipsburg Kans will be the afternoon speaker Rummage Sale will be held at the Library Basem*nt October 4 arid 5th from 9 to 5 i Yes get spot cash far just about anything through Ads in Hie Journal-Register Phone RO 8-6802 Invited To HOUSE OCTOBER 6 At CATHOLIC CHURCH NEBRASKA IS WELCOME 2 2nd Addition to Alex- andria School District No 68 -to- Fred Pohlmann Part of NW Vi Section 23-1-4 Rosella Warthen et al -to- Virgil Viola Bruning Lot 21 in NE Section 5-3-2 THURSDAY RAWHIDE Eric Fleming and Clint East-wood star as they lead their leather-tough crew along the hazardous cattle trail 7 PM at The Stars' Address iWLNTVlKGINTV nnml fO Chmnnml ft SPECIALS THIS WEEK STORE Hebron of AAonih 3 Days Only YARN SALE Red Heart 4 ox Qgc Skein Matched Pair of Norge Automatic WASHER and DRYER $6250 ea Perfect Condition See how little a room size nig cut from above advertised DuPont Carpet- i ing- will cost you Binding included I 1 I TABLE SAW SANDER $1995 Combination with Tilt Top Church Items Christian Church The Fourth District Convention will be held at the church Thursday from 2:00 to 8:30 pm The dinner will be served at 6:15 pm Methodist A will hold their fall Seminar at the church Thursday Sept 26 Mrs Lincoln Justice wife of the Methodist Bishop of Nebraska will be the guest speaker The luncheon will be served at the Lutheran dining room Sacred Heart Home and School will meet Thursday night Sept 26 -t i "I ii- -f i 1 ij SC I i j- Metal SINGLE BED $1495 Complete With Mattress and Springs 9x12 8820 10x12 9600 12x136 111188 VACUUM CLEANER $2725 Singer Upright Automatic Cord Rewinder Near New MONTGOMERY-TIBBETTS-CQTTER FURNITURE STORE HEBRON bration at St Dunstans Episco-r and visiting pal Church Sunday Mr and Mrs Will Long was their daughter and her family Mr and Mn Butler of Salina Kans I Mr and Mn Fred Bartels of Campbell visited Mn Ida Wede king Wednesday Mn Meyen and Mrs Trebold accompanied them Other visitors were Mr and Mn Harvey Rachow and children Attending Ak-Sar-Ben Rodeo in Omaha Tuesday were Cornell Wiedel Albert BraunJ Roger Wie-del and John Levendofsky Leo Naiman of Custer So Dak! is visiting his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Herman Egbarts Thursday evening they were the guests of the Leo Fry Sr home in Fairbury Friday evening guests at the Herman Egbarts home were Mn Bill Mayberry Bobby and Brenda of Belleville Mr and Mrs Leo Fry of Fairbury Mr and Mn Lawrence Schoen of Plymouth Mr and Mrs: Obit Nud-Jng and Robert and Leslie Egbarts Later in the evening Mr and Mrs Leslie Naiman and Johnny joined the group to visit Leo -Merle Dyer son of Rev and Mrs Ralph Dyer is enrolled in the College of Education at Phillips University Enid Okla He is majoring in Music and secondary education He wasi selected to sing in the school chorus and to play in the Phillips Band This band is widely known for sponsoring the Tri-State band festival each spring which bring around 10000 musicians to Enid for the festival I i Going to Jansen for a dinner Sunday were Mr and Mrs A1 Garrison: and Sherry and Mark Reinwald The dinner honored Bill Fitzgerald Mrs nephew who has just returned home from the Navy Thirty-nine relatives were present i You Are OPEPij SUNDAY i 9 SACRED HEART HEBRON Nfcw DESK LAMPS $345 Goose Neck and Upright Types LOUTHAN FURNITURE Phone 768-6655 JjJjECTACUUAVINOsQ 2:00 5:00 PM i i Tours will include explanations of Mass Confessions Baptism and Catholic Devotions i $com SHOES For KM I THROW RUGS Choice of 6 Colors 24x44 Now $L57 Punch-o-Ball Now Fun Toy 1 59c CANDY SALE ORANGE SLICES 19c lb BRIDGE iMIX 57c lb EVERYONE! End NYLONS Size 9 11 37dr 1 LadlM SLIPS Asst Colors i 3440 $133 Ladles CAPRI PANTS 2 for $300 nr? BASKETS a Sbat Just 99c -j Clip HEBRON BEAUTY SALON NEW VINYL SUEDE Casually" styled 1 I in 2 lengths 'jr' both pile lined i-1' i i 19 i A 'Sporty topper has warm 'acrylic pile lining roomy patch pockets big wooden buttons side vents! Camel' green or brown Sizes 8-18 1 i Girls Corduroy ah shas 94c and up NOW: OPEN FOR BUSINESS Ladies Stop! In For Free Gift Shop Hours 9 to 5 PM I Monday Thru Saturday scsaurpicruRES Now $199 This Coupon Worth With The Pure ham of ANY TOYS ON HEBRON BEAUTY SALON Full length double breasted styles Deep acrylic pile lining collar and cuffs Flap pockets Choice of camel green or brown- Sizes 8-18 BUY TOUR COAT ON LAY-AWAY SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS! WASTE Many Your Choice HAZEL CRUZE Stylist Phone 768-6227 i 1015 Lincoln Ave Counter 1 or Totaling $540 or More 1 i i 3.

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The Hebron Journal-Register from Hebron, Nebraska (2024)


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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.