A New Chance - Musicmelis - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen


Harry is impulsive and lands himself in some trouble (shocking, I know lolol) so warning for a punishment scene in this chapter.

Chapter Text

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and settings belong to J.K. Rowling.

James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus were in the Great Hall studying for their N.E.W.T.s along with the other seventh years. There was tension in the room as the students struggled to review everything they had learned over the last seven years.

"I'm surprised Peter isn't taking advantage of the extra study session," Remus remarked as he scribbled down some notes in his notebook.

"Yeah, where is he?" Sirius asked absently as he opened his Defence textbook.

"No clue. He said he had some letters to write and would try to join us later," James said distractedly as he read through a chapter in his Transfiguration book.

"Anyone do the questions for our Defence review?" Sirius smirked as he read through them. "Remus, how did you like number ten?"

"It's a great question," Remus rolled his eyes. "What are five signs that identify a werewolf?"

James looked up, a mischievous glint in his hazel eyes. "Do you need help with the answers, Moony?" He chuckled.

"Oh, I think I know them," Remus said with a serious face. "Let's see, one is he's sitting in my chair. Another answer is he is wearing my clothes. A third would be his name is Remus Lupin..."

"You guys are so funny," Lily rolled her eyes in exasperation. She held up her charms book. "Hello, trying to study here."

"Are these guys goofing off?" Marlene McKinnon asked as she walked up to them with Mary McDonald.

"Such a shock," Mary remarked. "Everyone knows how studious these guys usually are." She joked.

Lily snorted.

"Hey, I am Head Boy," James pointed out.

"Yeah, I still wonder how that happened?" Lily teased.

"I think McGonagall made a mistake but didn't want to admit it so she just let James stay Head Boy," Sirius said. He ducked and laughed when James sent a stinging hex his way.

"Can we get back to studying?" Remus asked lightly. "I would like to pass my N.E.W.T.s."

"So studious," Sirius sighed.

"Where's mini James?" Marlene asked, looking around.

"He's with Regulus," Lily answered.

"Oh." Marlene glanced at Mary.

Lily noticed the looks on their faces. "What?"

"Well," Marlene began. "Regulus...he's a Slytherin. And we noticed you guys hanging out with that Snape boy..."

Lily frowned, glad that Severus had gone to the library to get more books and wasn't here to hear this.

"Is that wise? Letting them be around Harry?" Mary asked in concern.

Sirius's eyes darkened. "There is nothing wrong my brother. He's a Slytherin. So what? You think that automatically makes him a bad person?" He challenged.

"No," Marlene hesitated. "At least I don't think I do."

"Come on, Sirius. You used to say all the time that the snakes are evil," Mary pointed out. "Including Snape. And you never talked about your brother before this year."

"Things have changed," James spoke up.

"Severus is our friend now," Lily said firmly. "So is Regulus."

Marlene held her hands up. "Okay, okay. We were just worried for Harry. He's a sweet kid."

Lily shared a smile with James. "Yeah, he is. So we need to get back to studying so we can get back to him."

"Well, we are all studied out for the day," Mary said. "We'll see you guys later."

"Don't take what they say seriously," Remus told Sirius. "At the beginning of the year, we would have agreed with them."

"I know," Sirius said grumpily. "But it bothers me now."

"Let's just finish our work here and then we can go play exploding snap with Harry and Reg," James said.


Harry was bored! With school back in session, his parents, Sirius and Remus were at a N.E.W.T. Study group and he was with Regulus in the library. But Reg was studying for his O.W.L.s and not playing with him. Harry pushed away his coloring book with a huff.

Regulus looked up. "Something wrong?"

"I'm bored," Harry whined.

"Okay," Regulus sighed, pushing away his books. "What do you want to do? Fly?"

"It's snowing again and my parents said no when I asked earlier," Harry said grumpily. He perked up. "They don't have to know, though." He said slyly.

"No," Regulus chuckled. "Better not. We could explore the castle." He suggested. "Sirius told me about some of the secret passageways, I wouldn't mind seeing them. How many passageways are there?"

"Seven," Harry answered. "Then there's also the chamber..." He froze. The Basilisk! It was still alive! How could he have forgotten that?


"The Basilisk," He whispered.

"What Basilisk?" Regulus asked in confusion.

"In the Chamber of Secrets."

Regulus's mouth dropped open. "It's real? Is the chamber real? I've heard rumors about it but..."

"It's real. And inside is a Basilisk. During my second year, Voldemort set in on the students."

Regulus gasped.

"None were killed, only petrified," Harry told him.

"Merlin," Regulus breathed in horror.

Harry brightened. "I remember what kills it. A rooster's crow. We could..."

"No. No way." Regulus shook his head. "We'll tell Dumbledore and let him deal with it."

Harry looked sly. "He can't open the Chamber. Only a Parseltongue can." He frowned. "But I don't know if I can still speak it."

Regulus's mouth dropped open. "You were a Parselmouth?"

"Yeah, thanks to stupid Voldemort." Harry said, jumping up from his seat. "Let's see if I can open it!" He raced off.

"Harry!" Regulus jumped up and started to follow him.


"Hey! Who are you?" Moaning Myrtle floated above Harry when he entered. "This is a girls bathroom."

"Yeah, yeah," Harry ignored her and went to the sink and focused on the snake faucet. "Open." He frowned, that was in English. He had lost the ability to speak snake language. Huh. He tried to remember how Parseltongue sounded. It had always sounded like English to him when he spoke it but he remembered hearing Voldemort speak it. He tried a couple more times and grinned when it finally worked. The Chamber was open! He jumped down and slid down the tunnel. It was only when he landed that he remembered he was just a five-year-old kid. And that he didn't have a wand, was forgetting spells, and couldn't do magic. He didn't even have a way to get out of the chamber. And he hadn't told Regulus where the chamber was. Tears filled his eyes as fear filled him and suddenly he wanted his parents so bad. What if they couldn't find him? "Mummy, Daddy help!"


"Harry!" Regulus shouted as he prowled through the hallways. Harry had been too fast and he hadn't seen where he had gone. "Merlin, where is he?" He muttered to himself. He turned to a nearby portrait. "Can you get word to the study hall that James, Lily, and Sirius are needed on the first floor near McGonagall's office? Harry Potter is missing."

"Will do, young man," The portrait said before disappearing.

It didn't take long for James, Lily, and Sirius to come running down the hallway.

"What happened?" James demanded.

"Harry was bored so we were going to explore the castle's secret passageways," Regulus explained.

"Oh?" Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"I wasn't going to go into them with Harry or anything," Regulus defended himself. "I just wanted to see them. Then Harry mentioned the Chamber of Secrets and -"

"The Chamber of Secrets?" Lily gasped. "It's real?"

"Harry said it is. And inside there is a Basilisk," Regulus said. "Then he panicked about it still being alive and took off. I couldn't catch up to him so I don't know which way he went."

"Does that boy ever stop and think?" James exploded, fear rushing through him.

"James, calm down. We need to find him," Lily said urgently.

Just then Nearly Headless Nick floated by. "Moaning Myrtle has informed me that a little boy was in her bathroom." He told them.

They all broke into a run.

"Merlin," Sirius gasped when they rushed into the bathroom and saw the open Chamber.

"Harry!" James called down the opening.

"Daddy? Daddy, I'm scared!"

"Stay here, I'll get him," James told Lily and Sirius before immediately jumping down the tunnel. He landed and cast a Lumos, relief hitting him when saw Harry. He didn't waste any time pulling his kid into his arms. "Are you hurt?" he demanded.

"No," Harry sniffed, throwing his arms around his dad's neck.

"He's okay!" James called up before turning his attention back to Harry. "What were you thinking?" James scolded. "Look at me." He waited until Harry made eye contact. "Why did you come down here?"

"I remembered the Basilisk," Harry said softly. "I killed it my second year but here it's still alive...a rooster crow can kill it but I forgot until I got down here that I'm little and don't even have a wand."

James reached around him and smacked his backside. "Exactly! You had no business coming down here, young man! None. Once you remembered, you should have told me and your mom."

Harry's hand sneaked behind him to rub out the sting. "I forgot," He whined.

James stood up, looking at him with stern eyes. "I'll just have to make sure you don't forget again, won't I?" He looked around. "Where is the Basilisk?"

"Through there." Harry pointed. "But you need Parseltongue to open the door."

"So you are a Parselmouth?"

"I was. I'm not anymore."

"Then how did you get down here?" James asked.

"I remembered what it sounded like and kept trying until the Chamber opened," Harry admitted.

James shut his eyes for a moment, trying to calm down. "We'll talk more about this when we get out of here. Exactly how do we get out of here?"

"Fawkes flew me out the last time," Harry said.

James sighed and looked up. "Hey! Someone get a broom and throw it down!"

"Are you sure Harry is okay?" Lily called back in a worried voice.

"He's fine," James called back. "Until I get him to our dorm, that is."

Harry paled at the implication. "But -"

"Absolutely not, Harry," James said firmly. "I've told you over and over not to run off from the person watching you. We've also gone over putting your life in danger, which you did by coming down here. You know you have a punishment coming."

"But shouldn't we deal the with the Basilisk?" Harry asked quietly.

"I'll let Dumbledore know about it."

"But the Parseltongue -"

"Harry James, enough!" James snapped. "You will let the adults handle it, do you hear me? You are a five-year-old little boy. This situation is not for you to deal with."

Harry pouted.

James pointed at him. "None of that. You are in major trouble as it is." He warned.

Harry bit his lip nervously.


Once a broom was thrown down, James and Harry jumped on and James flew them out of the chamber.

Lily quickly grabbed Harry in a tight hug. "Merlin, Harry."

"Sorry Mummy," Harry sniffled into her shoulder. He gave a surprised yelp when she swatted him hard on his backside.

"I can't believe you ran off yet again!" Lily scolded. "You know better than that!"

"I'm sorry!" Harry cried.

Lily looked helplessly at James. "Are we wrong to keep him here, at school?"

Harry gasped and felt tears fill his eyes.

Lily glanced at him and her eyes softened. "I want you here with us, Harry. But I'm very concerned about your safety."

"He would likely do the same stuff with my parents," James said, remembering how Harry had run out of their house when he was upset. "And we wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything because we would be worried about him."

"True," Lily nodded. She reached out to Harry but the child glared at her and then flung himself at Sirius. Hurt flashed in her eyes and her shoulders slumped.

Sirius picked Harry up. "Why don't I take pup to the common room while you talk to the Headmaster." He suggested.

Dumbledore and McGonagall had just entered the bathroom as Sirius left, Harry in his arms with Regulus following him.

"My word," McGonagall gasped at the chamber opening.

"So the Chamber does exist," Dumbledore peered curiously inside. "I had wondered."

"There is a Basilisk inside which apparently can be killed by the sound of a crow. But you need to be a Parselmouth to get to it," James said. "Or remember how to speak it." He said sarcastically, still upset with his son's impulsiveness.

Dumbledore waved his hand dismissively. "There are spells to mimic Parseltongue. I will get rid of the Basilisk so we won't have to worry about it."


"Come in," Sirius said to his brother as the portrait opened to let them into the Gryffindor common room.

"I can't. I'm a Slytherin," Regulus said quietly.

"There is no rule that members of another house can not visit each other," Sirius said in exasperation. "You're my brother, now come in."

Regulus entered, wincing a little at all the red and gold. "It sure is...loud in here." He commented.

Sirius set down Harry. "What are you talking about? There isn't anyone is the common room." He said in confusion.

"I meant the colors," Regulus smirked.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Funny." He focused on Harry. "Sit by the fire, pup. Do you want anything to drink?"

"No," Harry said with a pout. "I don't want to be here. Mum and Dad will be coming and Daddy is mad at me and I'm not speaking to mum."

Sirius frowned. "Your father has a right to be mad at you, Harry. You shouldn't have run off from Regulus and opened the Chamber. It was extremely dangerous."

"But he's going to punish me!" Harry wailed.

"I know, pup. But I have to admit you do deserve it," Sirius winced at the betrayed look on Harry's face. "Harry -"

"Shut up!" Harry yelled at him, his emotions all over the place. "Just shut up!"

Sirius's eyes darkened and he stepped forward and took the little boy by the arm. He turned him and gave him a swat to the backside. His eyes widened in shock as he realized what he had done. He had smacked his pup!

Harry burst into tears. It hadn't been a hard smack but the fact that it was Sirius who had done it...

"What's going on?" James asked as he and Lily entered the room.

"Harry?" Lily went to Harry.

"No!" Harry pushed her away. "You don't want me anymore! And daddy is mad at me and Sirius smacked me!"

"You did?" James looked at Sirius in surprise.

Sirius nodded unhappily. "I didn't intend to, it just happened." He said miserably.

"Why?" James asked, crossing his arms.

"Harry yelled at Sirius to shut up," Regulus spoke up. He didn't look at Harry, knowing the child was probably hurt by his telling on him but he would stick up for his brother. Sirius looked really upset.

"Harry Potter!" Lily admonished. "Apologize to Sirius."

James eyed Harry and could see defiance on his face but more than that, he saw an overly tired little boy who had been in a frightening situation and was about to have a major tantrum. "Harry and I need to have a talk first," he said, striding over and lifting his son into his arms. He took him up to his dorm.

James knelt in front of Harry. "You were really scared in the Chamber." He said it as a statement.

Harry's tears spilled over and he nodded. "Uh-huh. I didn't know if you would find me." He sniffed.

"Pronglet, I'll always find you," James kissed his forehead. He moved back. "But you shouldn't have been in the chamber at all. Do you agree?"

Harry nodded reluctantly. "I thought I could handle it like I used to. But then I remembered I'm just a kid now."

"An incredible kid," James said with a small smile. "But you don't need to handle things like the Chamber anymore, Harry. It's not your responsibility."

"I forgot," Harry whispered.

"I know," James whispered back. "But you can't forget again. You can't continue being so impulsive, Harry." He looked at his son sternly. "You put yourself in danger yet again and I won't have it. And I don't like how you treated your mum and Sirius."

"Mummy wants to send me away," Harry protested.

"No, she doesn't," James said firmly. "She wants to keep you safe. You didn't let her finish talking, Son. She was only thinking of having you with your grandparents during our classes. Not living there."

"Oh," Harry said, relief in his eyes.

"It's something we'll think about. But Harry, we will never abandon you or want to get rid of you."

Harry wiped his eyes and nodded.

"And yelling at Sirius to shut up..." James eyed his son sternly.

"I'm sorry," Harry said miserably.

"You will apologize to Sirius," James said, taking a seat on the bed. "And to Regulus for running off."

"Sirius smacked me. It was embarrassing." Harry said softly as he stood in front of his father.

James smiled softly. "I understand but he didn't mean to embarrass you. He was reacting to the disrespectful way you were speaking to him. Sirius is family, he's my brother in all but blood. So as far as I am concerned, he is your uncle. Remus too. I don't mind either of them doling out some discipline if you are in their care and have earned it."

Harry flushed but nodded.

"We've talked about you running off from the person watching you. We've also talked about you putting yourself in danger," James said. "You know better. You need to think before you act, Harry. Even when you are older, you are not to put yourself in danger. You will be punished every single time. I'm disappointed in you."

"No," Harry began crying. He didn't want his parents disappointed in him!

James had to harden his heart at that, hating to make his son cry. And he hadn't even punished the child yet. "You need to make better decisions, do you understand?" When Harry nodded, James patted his lap. "Over you go. I'm going to spank you, then you are going to apologize to Sirius, Reg, and your mum. After that, you will take a nap and I don't want any arguing about it." He said firmly as he took Harry's glasses off his face.

Harry sniffled and bent over his dad's lap, feeling miserable as his dad lowered his trousers and pants. He buried his face in the comforter as the first sharp swat landed on his bare bottom. He received five very firm smacks and was sobbing by the time his dad pulled up his clothing and lifted him up, wrapping his strong arms around him.

"I love you, Harry." James hugged his boy tight. He would have given his son a few more smacks due to the seriousness of what Harry had done but since he, Lily and Sirius had all swatted him earlier, he decided five would be enough.

"I love you too," Harry cried into his neck. His bottom stung, he felt guilty for being rude to Sirius, and foolish for his misbehavior so he cried out all his woes.

James rubbed his back soothingly. "You're okay," He repeated over and over. Once Harry had calmed down, he accio'd a cloth and moistened it with a spell to wipe Harry's face. "You ready to talk to your mum, Sirius, and Reg?" He asked gently when he was done, handing Harry his glasses.

"Uh huh," Harry sniffled and followed his father downstairs.

Harry apologized to Sirius, who gave him a big hug in return, said sorry to Reg for running off, and then apologized to his mum.

"I love you so much," Lily murmured, running her hand through his hair. "I didn't mean for you to think I wanted to send you away. I didn't mean that and I never would."

"I know," Harry said softly.

"Come on, Harry. Nap time." James held out his hand and led Harry back to his dorm. Once Harry lay on his bed, he covered him with a blanket, gave him his owl to snuggle, and gently rubbed his back until he fell asleep. He then set wards to let him know when his son woke up and went back down to the common room, noticing that Remus and Peter had now joined the others.

"I'm the worst godfather ever," Sirius moaned.

James rolled his eyes. "No, you're not. You're family and you were within your right to give him a swat."

"I can't believe I did it," Sirius said sorrowfully.

"I would have done the same, Sirius," Remus said sympathetically. They had filled him in on what had happened.

"It's different, I'm the fun uncle. You can be the stern uncle." Sirius moaned.

Now Remus rolled his eyes.

"I didn't mean for him to think I wanted to send him away," Lily fretted.

"You're going to send him away?" Peter asked, his eyes widening.

"No, we are not. And I explained you meant during classes," James said to Lily.

"But this incident didn't happen during class," Regulus pointed out.

"True," Lily agreed. "I just want him to be safe." She sighed.

"It was my fault, for not catching him when he ran off." Regulus sighed.

"It was not," Sirius protested. "You did right, by getting word to us."

Regulus smiled at the proud look Sirius was giving him. "So what was the Chamber like? I would have been tempted to explore it," He said eagerly. "Do you think Dumbledore would let me -"

Sirius stiffened. "Absolutely not. You go near that Chamber and I'll tan your hide." He snapped.

Regulus froze. "You – you can't do that," He said weakly.

"I'm your big brother and I'm raising you now, you better believe I can," Sirius said, surprised with himself. Where was all this coming from? First, he had swatted Harry for being rude and now he was threatening his brother with a spanking if he put himself in danger. "Merlin, what's happening to me? I used to be cool." He groaned.

James, Remus, and Lily snickered and even Regulus couldn't help laughing, although he was shocked that his brother would actually discipline him.

"You're growing up, Sirius," Remus chuckled. "It's nothing to be upset about."

"I guess," Sirius sighed. He eyed Regulus. "I meant what I said though."

"Are you serious?" Regulus demanded.

Sirius smirked. "I'm always Sirius."

Regulus made a face at the pun. "But I'm fifteen!" he protested.

"And?" Sirius blinked.

"I'm too old," Regulus huffed.

Sirius stared at him for a moment and then began laughing. James joined in.

"What's so funny?" Regulus frowned.

"My dad didn't think we were too young at fifteen to be disciplined that way," James said wryly. "It was rare but it still happened if we put ourselves in danger." And his dad didn't even know about all the danger he and Sirius had been in, such as becoming Animagi. Now he felt guilty for it, knowing if his son ever did the same thing he would be furious.

"Sixteen too," Sirius chuckled. "Man, your dad can swing a paddle." He told James.

Regulus's eyes widened. A paddle?

Sirius noticed his alarm and his expression softened. "It's okay, Reggie. We'll talk about this later, okay? You know I would never hurt you, right?" Mr. Potter had never truly hurt them, he had never left welts or bruises or been too severe. Sirius had been grateful for the loving guidance and discipline, especially compared to his parent's idea of discipline which had included cruel hexes and slaps across the face. Regulus was a good kid and Sirius doubted he would have to punish him in such a way. At least he hoped he never had to, it would break his heart to do so. Just like he could tell punishing Harry hurt James.

Peter gave a huff, crossing his arms. Everything was changing. James and Sirius were actually being responsible, he was basically being replaced with Regulus and even that Snape boy and they were all in danger because of that kid. Everything had been better before the brat had come into their lives.

"Isn't he a Slytherin?" A fourth-year accused as he entered the common room. "What's he doing, spying on us?" He eyed Regulus suspiciously.

Sirius slowly stood up. "He's my brother and he's welcome to visit our Tower." He said in a low voice.

"But he's a snake!" The boy protested.

Sirius's eyes darkened.

Regulus quickly stood up. "I should go anyway. I have some homework to finish."

"Probably going to send a note to his master about his spying," The boy muttered. "How is you-know-who these days?" He asked sarcastically.

Regulus flinched as he was reminded of how close he had come to being a death eater. If he had given in to his parents...if his brother and the Potters hadn't taken him in...

James put a hand on Sirius's shoulder to prevent him from attacking the annoying fourth year. "Enough!" He glared at him. "Go on to your dorm."

"But -"

"Do you want detention?" James asked coldly.

The fourth year left, grumbling to himself as he went up the stairs.

"Reg, you don't have to go," Sirius said as his brother walked across the room.

"I really do have homework," Regulus said, smiling sadly. "I'll see you later, Siri."

"Wait. You have your mirror on you?"


"If you need me, use it. Anytime and for any reason," Sirius said seriously. "Okay?"

Regulus nodded and then left.

"I hate that he goes to the dungeons," Sirius said with a sigh. "I can't be there to protect him."

"Severus is there," Lily pointed out.

"Yeah, but he's graduating this year along with us," Sirius pointed out.

"Maybe he should be resorted," James suggested.

"I would love for that to happen but Regulus would hate it," Sirius said.

"Wait and see how he fares down there," Remus said. "Another option would be he floos to the Potters to sleep instead of going to the dungeons, or to you if you get a flat after graduation. Or maybe Dumbledore could arrange for private quarters for him." He suggested.

Sirius nodded. Those were good ideas and definitely something to consider. All he wanted was to keep his brother safe from harm. Harry too. Merlin, who knew being a parent was so stressful?


A New Chance - Musicmelis - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.